Bayside Neighborhood Organizational Structure and Meetings

The Bayside Neighborhood Association conducts monthly meetings open to all residents of the entire Bayside Community at large. The neighborhood association functions as a vehicle connecting the residents of our community with the City of Everett and what’s going on in the City. We invite local civic-minded speakers, local government officials and administrators, city council, police, non-profits, to share information with Bayside residents in effort to engage and educate our community.

The Bayside Steering Committee is a group of volunteers, who support the four Executive Board members to provide direction to the Association.  People invited to participate on the steering committee attend working meetings the 2nd Tuesday of each month.  At those meetings we design, plan, schedule  and execute community events, figure out what needs doing and who’s going to do it, how much it will cost and how is it going to get paid for.  Bayside steering committee is the group that applies for grants and executes how those grants are spent for the benefit of the Bayside community.  

The City of Everett provides a $1,000 community grant (mini grant) each neighborhood association can apply for to carry out community events to support activities identified by the steering committee in December. Mini grant applications are due to the City of Everett in February of the following year. Members of the steering committee take on the responsibility of leading an activity designated in the mini grant.

There are 19 neighborhood associations in the City of Everett based on geographic locations. Each neighborhood association is linked with the city via the Council of Neighborhoods.  The Council is an advisory group to the Mayor, providing an opportunity for City elected leaders to hear the concerns or ideas Everett residents have about city plans, services and policies. Each neighborhood association elects or selects its representatives: two regular representatives and on alternate representative.

© Copyright Bayside Neighborhood Association